Unlimited calls, texts & 5G data for €15 per month.

Save Big
with a Free Galaxy S24

Get more with Three Business when you switch today

Get More
for Less

Unlimited calls, texts and data for just €15 a month*

Get fast, reliable,
business broadband

Upgrade with superfast Broadband and save €120

A business network
like no other

We have 99% nationwide coverage and superfast 5G data in every county. Business mobile plans, broadband and solutions – you can have it all with Three Business.


FLEXIBLE communications

Set your office free

Take your office anywhere with a virtual landline on your mobile. Get three months free now.


Managed Mobility

Powerful, reliable protection

3Mobile Protect powered by Corrata is the all-in-one answer to business mobile security and usage control. Find out how this can benefit your business from just €3.95.


Business Solutions

Superfast fibre broadband from Three

Connect with superfast, reliable Fibre Broadband with speeds up to 1Gb from only €50 per month.



Why Three
for Business?
Three works for business.

Connect, mobilise, manage and promote your business with Three’s portfolio of secure, scalable communications solutions.

Discover more with Three Business

Three helps businesses transition to better ways of working with a suite of connectivity, collaboration, mobility and IoT solutions.


Get started

Sole Trader?

If you are a sole trader and new to Three, you can get a new phone, plan and move your number online right now.

*Offer available to new business customers moving to Three. €15 a month for the first 12 months, €25 per month thereafter. Subject to annual price increase of CPI +3% in April each year. For more details, click here. 5G is subject to you having a 5G ready device, being on a compatible price plan and being in a 5G coverage area. Offer ends 31/08/2024. 12-month minimum term applies. Prices exclude VAT