Three’s Managed Internet Access
Enterprise grade internet services for business
About Managed
Internet Access
Three Ireland offers high speed, enterprise grade, fully managed Internet services for our business customers. We have a complete range of data and Internet solutions for your organisation, alongside the highest service levels.

Why Managed Internet
Access from Three?
Secure Internet access
Access to Internet that's private and secure.
Scalable solution
Increase or decrease your bandwidth as your business needs change.
Guaranteed service levels
SLA on availability, fault reporting and repair times.
Managed router
Offering a dedicated customer port on premise.
Flexible options
Contended and uncontended options available.
High availability
High availability configuration over fibre or licensed wireless.

Benefits of Managed Internet Access
- Uncontended speeds of up to 1Gbps.
- Carrier redundancy for uninterrupted work during link outages and other network events.
- Multiple access types and IP networking options to suit your needs.
- Connect any site, anywhere, no matter how remote.