Three’s Wireless Leased Lines
Stay connected from anywhere in Ireland.
About Wireless
Leased Lines
A Wireless Leased Line from Three is a dedicated, secure, 24/7 monitored service that delivers a wide range of voice and data services, with scalable bandwidth to meet your increasing connectivity requirements.
Why Wireless Leased
Lines from Three?
Carrier grade technology
Using the same technology used to carry Three’s market leading mobile data traffic.
High availability
Use as part of a robust high-availability solution, such as Three Managed WAN.
Bandwidth options from 2Mbps to 1Gbps.
Fully monitored solution
24/7 network monitoring.
Uncontended service
By sharing your connection with no one else, you get 100% of your bandwidth.
Guaranteed service levels
SLA on availability, fault reporting and repair times.
Benefits of Wireless Leased Lines
- Create a better connected business with connectivity anywhere in Ireland, from Dublin to Galway & Arranmore to Cork.
- Have peace of mind as the microwave technology in this solution is the same technology used to carry Three mobile data traffic.
- 24/7 monitoring by a dedicated and highly experienced technical service team from our award-winning Customer Care Centre in Limerick.