Prepay SIM Only
Love your phone? Keep your device and get some of the best SIM Only deals in Ireland, with great 5G connectivity, when you join Three Prepay.
Three Super Surfer
Three Total Talker
Three Connect Complete
Three Super Surfer
top up every 28 days.
All You Can Eat 5G Data*
200 Minutes/Texts
26GB EU Roaming Data
- Experience excellent 5G speed and coverage.
- Access to Three+ exclusive offers on shopping, movies, gigs and lots more.
- Enjoy instant connection with our eSIM option. No physical SIM needed — quick and easy setup.
Three Total Talker
top up every 28 days.
10GB Ireland and EU Data*
Unlimited Minutes
3,000 Texts
- Experience excellent 5G speed and coverage.
- Access to Three+ exclusive offers on shopping, movies, gigs and lots more.
Three Connect Complete
top up every 28 days.
All You Can Eat 5G Data*
Unlimited Minutes and 3,000 Texts
32GB EU Data
- 100 International Minutes
- Experience excellent 5G speed and coverage.
- Access to Three+ exclusive offers on shopping, movies, gigs and lots more.
Please note that if you top up by an amount equal to or greater than your plan charge in one go, this will activate your plan benefits. A top up by an amount equal to or greater than your plan charge within an existing 28 day plan benefit period will lead to the immediate activation of a new 28 day plan period and any remaining allowances will not be carried over to the new 28 day benefit period.
For example, if you are on Three Total Talker, when you top up by €20 or more in one transaction your plan benefits will activate. This €20 charge will apply each time you top up by €20 or more in one transaction.
*All You Can Eat Data service is for ROI use only.
An EU fair usage policy is applied in respect of the All You Can Eat Data service.
The EU data roaming allowance (above) is calculated in accordance with EU fair usage policy. Surcharge of 0.16c per MB applies if this allowance is exceeded.
10GB Data allowance of Three Total Talker plan is for use while in ROI and when Roaming in EU. Out of allowance charges apply to data that exceeds your allowance.
**Click here for prepay simo offer terms and conditions.